
This Patient Madness

The sunlight kisses her cold cheek and impossibly, he dances upon the tips of her eyelash before being beaten back with a furious splash! "Please! no more sunlight today!", cries she. And he retreats back into his cloud, dimmed, and confused.

This Patient Madness

A Forest Of Water

“O! And that slightly painful yet massage-like- 'pulling' feeling where her shoulder blades met her wet membrane wings which were a bit heavy with wintery water…”

A Forest Of Water

A Sunset On Eternity

To be told by the cawing of the crow, the breathing of the distant sea, and the soft kiss of the breeze upon his naked bald pate, "You are now and have heretofore been still more than all of this. Keep existing my friend and lover."

A Sunset On Eternity

Along The Night-Lit Road

It was the last Full Moon of the warmest months. It seemed to take over the sky with a deep yellow glow of a hue which seemed to race out in all directions and flake golden light on countless orchestral legions of the dark symphony that was the evening countryside.

Along The Night-Lit Road

A Gentle Darkness

“He held the shield upon her as though saying “I want your shadow as well” and somewhere in the gentle darkness he had cast upon her, he saw her undone locks. And here as she lay upon his dark jacket on the old mattress they could be the incarnations of Queen Elizabeth and Sir Walter Raleigh.”

A Gentle Darkness

The Drafty Photograph

“…That firecracker of a child came to me in the time of red pistachio leaves. She loved reaching this part of the book…”

The Drafty Photograph

Dance Of The Ages

It were as though the seat was a'glow with the ghost of that all-knowing Woman who, once upon a cool September day, bought him this very suit in which he now shrank year after year. And a Golden Grin bubbled up to his time-tattoo'd face. 

Dance Of The Ages

The Listening

She closes her eyes to the feeling of her fingernails underwater. She doesn’t see the black of eyelids but instead- the deep green of quiet air under the pond’s surface.

The Listening

The Queendom Of Withypoll

“And suddenly, these most petite of little performers scattered, aghast in a flurry of membrane wings and tutu's as if in a melodrama at the sight of a looming figure approaching…”

The Queendom Of Withypoll

An Evergreen Legend

"The lore says her husband buried her beneath a nameless pile of stones. The Earth swallowed up her wants and dreams as it did her remains. And all there be of her is a strange legend in these, the woods of her daughter's son's cousin's step-mother's property..."

An Evergreen Legend

The Language of Clocks

"A magical ritual which required as many seconds as salt crystals and grains of brown sugar; as many hours as pieces of garlic. And Denisa and the Gears turned a song as the brisket brined and marinated away..."

The Language of Clocks

A Still World

"...and yet with every desire to disturb the vast slate of lake- wide, eternal, and perfect before her. It could be the envy of ice..."

A Still World


"She sees him bow his smiling craggy face down so his lobe meets her lips. The way he does this- one would think he is smaller than her..."


The Oldest Mountain

"And there she is again. All around him. Lifting him towards the clouds. Up towards the moon. There comes her imploring howl,"Almost there. Don’t give up..."

The Oldest Mountain

A Quiet Sadness

As the years stacked upon one another they traded every kind of laugh- from giggles to raucous ha-ha's over how she had to keep shushing him that day...

A Quiet Sadness

The Scent Of Red

"She can't see the pigeons anymore. But she hears them take to the sky in bursts. The sunlight breathes on her knitted skin. She can't see the tower anymore..."

The Scent Of Red

Something Not Quiet

"It is said that whence a person sees a painting of a past life they are driven to madness soonafter. Was that it perhaps?"

Something Not Quiet

Under Cover Of October

"O, It can be a scary business- the clandestine life of a scarecrow who wants to dance..."

Under Cover Of October

After Catastrophe

"The eyes of the inquisitive children hit them all at once with a piercing collective ignorance that seemed to bring its own desolate breeze..."

After Catastrophe